Pro dbiks, FILE ;+ ; NAME: ; dbiks ; ; EFFECT: ; Reads IKS spectra labels (spectro mode), writes a real index + an SQL routine writing the database ; This is one step in the creation of an EPN-TAP service ; ; EXAMPLE ; dbiks, [FILE] ; ; KEYWORDS: ; FILE: name of index file, default is to use indexdb.txt ; also writes a file 'iks_db.sql' ; ; USAGE: ; - Create database IKS in pgAdmin ; - run this IDL procedure, then (in terminal): ; cd /whatever/IKS ; sudo -s -u postgresql ; psql IKS < iks_db.sql ; - refresh IKS db in PgAdmin to see the new db ; - create views (dataset & epn_core) with routine iks_views.sql ; - transform ascii data files in VOTable using ; - instal in gavo with file q.rd (hand written) ; - declare service in registry with file vopdc_obspm-lesia-epn-iks.xml (hand written) ; ; SPECIAL: ; use unit = dateTime to introduce an ISO time string => xtype='dateTime' (XML std, not VOTable) ; SQL: 'float' stands for double; 'real' stands for simple precision ; ascii 9 = HT, used as separator in an SQL data table (when input with COPY) ; ; Last steps (done): ; - fix final url/names for files (votable at VOParis) ; - compute/add spectral sampling step + spectral resolution ; ; HISTORY: ; Stephane Erard, nov 2013 (first SQL-writing routine, partly derived from catIKS) ; SE, May 2014: corrections and modif in table and SQL routine => @Cor2014 ; SE, Nov 2015: Recovered phase angle added + passed all floats to double precision => @Cor2015 ; SE, Feb 2016: Added rootname param for v2 ; Does not compute target time, because only date is provided (diff is very small) ; SE, May 2016: Updated parameters ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;dir = '/Volumes/Data3/Comets/vega1-c-iks-3-rdr-halley-processed-v1.0/data' dir = '/Data4/Comets/vega1-c-iks-3-rdr-halley-processed-v1.0/data' Flist = file_search(dir, '*.lbl') Nf = N_elements(Flist) if N_params() NE 1 then FILE = 'indexdb.txt' ; 1) Write a better index file ; Structure pour les donnes/granules IKSparam = replicate({id:1,Filename:'',Rootname:'',observation_id:1L, time_obs:'',target:'',distance:1.,Sdistance:1., Edistance:1.,sp_min:1.,sp_max:1.,sp_step_min:1.,sp_step_max:1.,sp_res_min:1.,sp_res_max:1., exp_time:1., phase_ang:1., Inst_Name:'',Inst_Host_name:'', ref:'NULL',a_url:'',a_format:'',o_url:'',o_format:'', s_region:''},Nf) For i =0, Nf-1 do begin fdima=Flist(i) ; grab metadata from header ; lab=v_headpds(fdima,/silent) temp=v_readpds(fdima,/silent, lab) fdima = FILE_BASENAME(fdima) ; remove dir nomps = (strsplit(fdima, '.', /extr))(0)+'.tab' ; replace any extension nomout = (strsplit(fdima, '.', /extr))(0)+'.xml' ; replace any extension IKSparam(i).Filename = nomps IKSparam(i).Rootname = (strsplit(fdima, '.', /extr))(0) bid = v_pdspar(lab, 'TARGET_NAME') ; IKSparam(i).target = strlowcase(bid) IKSparam(i).target = strupcase(strmid(bid,0,1))+strlowcase(strmid(bid,1)) ; @Cor2014: std spelling (if one word) bid = v_pdspar(lab, 'OBSERVATION_TIME') IKSparam(i).time_obs = bid ; maintain upper case bid = v_pdspar(lab, 'TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE') IKSparam(i).distance = float(bid) ; fix reconstructed spectra, from Combes et al paper If IKSparam(i).Filename EQ '' then IKSparam(i).distance = 40000 If IKSparam(i).Filename EQ '' then IKSparam(i).distance = 40000 ; @Cor2014 : Sun and Earth distances, in au (cst) + FOV IKSparam(i).Sdistance = 0.79 IKSparam(i).Edistance = 1.15 bid = v_pdspar(lab, 'OBSERVATION_ID') IKSparam(i).observation_id = strlowcase(bid) bid = (v_pdspar(lab, 'MINIMUM'))(0) ; spectral range IKSparam(i).sp_min = float(bid) bid = (v_pdspar(lab, 'MAXIMUM'))(0) IKSparam(i).sp_max = float(bid) bid = (temp.table.column1)- shift(temp.table.column1, 1) IKSparam(i).sp_step_min = min((bid)(1:*)) IKSparam(i).sp_step_max = max((bid)(1:*)) ; actual spectral resolution, from Combes et al paper IKSparam(i).sp_res_min = 2.6/41. ; in micron IKSparam(i).sp_res_max = 4.8/70. ; exposure time, from Combes et al paper IKSparam(i).exp_time = 18. If IKSparam(i).Filename EQ '' then begin ; long wvl spectrum IKSparam(i).exp_time = 36. IKSparam(i).sp_res_min = 6.3/41. ; in micron IKSparam(i).sp_res_max = 11.3/66. ; @Cor2014: added ref for published spectra IKSparam(i).ref = '' endif ;IKSparam(i).phase_ang = 100. ; ***** @Corr2015, very rough approximation ***** ; result for 101 individual spectra, from (interpolated from image timings) ; last 2 writen manually (composite spectra) ; array_list, phaseiks, for='(F5.1)' IKSparam.phase_ang = [102.5,102.5,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,102.4,$ 102.4,102.4,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,102.3,$ 102.3,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,$ 102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,102.2,$ 102.2,102.1,101.8,101.5,101.1,100.8,100.5,100.1, 99.7, 99.2, 100.,100.] If IKSparam(i).Filename EQ '' then IKSparam(i).ref = '' IKSparam(i).Inst_Name = 'IKS' ; @Cor2014: case insensitive, better write it upper case IKSparam(i).inst_Host_name = 'Vega 1' ; @Cor2014: no space allowed in string ; original ascii file url, at SBN PDS ;IKSparam(i).url = ''+nomps ;IKSparam(i).format = 'ascii' ; modified VOtable files at VO-Paris IKSparam(i).a_url = ''+nomout IKSparam(i).a_format = 'application/x-votable+xml' ; @Cor2014: added link to native file IKSparam(i).o_url = ''+nomps IKSparam(i).o_format = 'text/plain' endfor = indgen(Nf)+1 write_csv, FILE, IKSparam ; 2) Write an SQL procedure ; (Adapted from massedb.sql, EPN-TEP tutorial) Nschema= "iks" Ntable = "data_table" File= 'iks_db.sql' openw, LUN, /get_lun, FILE cstsql= $ ['-- SQL procedure to define the IKS service datatable ',$ '-- Stephane Erard, LESIA/PADC, '+systime() +' (written by IDL routine',$ '-- Can be used as a template for other light services ',$ ' ',$ '-- With no DaCHS, database "IKS", must be created first; ',$ ' ',$ '-- Name: '+ Nschema+'; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: '+ Nschema+'; Owner: postgres',$ '',$ 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS '+Nschema+' cascade;',$ '-- line above to be commented for tests only',$ 'CREATE SCHEMA '+Nschema+';',$ 'SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;',$ '',$ "SET default_tablespace = '';",$ '',$ 'SET default_with_oids = false;',$ '',$ '-- Name: '+Ntable+'; Type: TABLE; Schema: '+Nschema+'; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: ',$ '',$ 'CREATE TABLE '+Nschema+'.'+Ntable+' (',$ ; must follow IKSparam structure fields ' id integer NOT NULL,',$ ' filename character varying(12),',$ ' rootname character varying(8),',$ ' observation_id character varying(6),',$ ' time_obs character varying(23),',$ ' target character varying(6),',$ ' distance float,',$ ; means double-precision in SQL ' Sdistance float,',$ ; @Cor2014: added new fields ' Edistance float,',$ ' sp_min float,',$ ' sp_max float,',$ ' sp_step_min float,',$ ' sp_step_max float,',$ ' sp_res_min float,',$ ' sp_res_max float,',$ ' exp_time float,',$ ' phase_ang float,',$ ; @Cor2015: added new fields ' inst_name character varying(3),',$ ' inst_host_name character varying(6),',$ ' ref character varying(60),',$ ; @Cor2014: added new fields ' a_url character varying(94),',$ ' a_format character varying(25),',$ ' o_url character varying(94),',$ ; @Cor2014: added new fields ' o_format character varying(10),',$ ' s_region spoly',$ ');'] printf, Lun, ' ' ; -- the lines after CREATE TABLE could be derived from iksparam structure definition + SQL type for ii = 0, N_elements(cstsql)-1 do $ printf, Lun, cstsql(ii) printf, Lun, ' ' ;dir= '/Volumes/Data3/Comets/vega1-c-iks-3-rdr-halley-processed-v1.0/data/' dir= '/Data4/Comets/vega1-c-iks-3-rdr-halley-processed-v1.0/data/' columns = strlowcase(tag_names(IKSparam)) Nfield = N_tags(iksparam) ; sql = "INSERT INTO "+Nschema+'.'+Ntable+" (" ; sql = sql + strjoin(columns[indf], ", ") ; sql = sql + ") VALUES " ;printf, Lun, sql ;for ii=0, Nf-1 do begin ; sql = '(' ; for jj=0, Nfield-2 do begin ; sql = sql + string((IKSparam.(jj))(ii))+ ", " ; endfor ; sql = sql + string((IKSparam.(jj))(ii))+ ") " ;printf, Lun, sql ;endfor ;printf, Lun, '' ; a va pas : faut mettre des quotes sur les string, et virer les espaces en trop ; alt (similaire la version de Pierre) indf = indgen(Nfield) sql = "COPY "+Nschema+'.'+Ntable+" (" sql = sql + strjoin(columns[indf], ", ") sql = sql + ") FROM stdin;" printf, Lun, sql for ii=0, Nf-1 do begin for jj=0, Nfield-2 do $ printf, lun, strtrim((IKSparam.(jj))(ii),2),string(9B), format = '(A,1A, $)' ; ascii 9 = HT, required as separator printf, lun, strtrim((IKSparam.(jj))(ii),2), format = '(A)' ; last item endfor printf, Lun, '\.' ; terminates data entry, must be there printf, Lun, ' ' cstsql= $ ['ALTER TABLE ONLY '+Nschema+'.'+Ntable , $ ' ADD CONSTRAINT '+Ntable+'_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);'] printf, Lun, cstsql printf, Lun, '' cstsql= $ ['-- Set access/ownership of schema and table',$ ' ',$ 'REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA "' + Nschema+'" FROM PUBLIC;',$ ' ',$ 'REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA "' + Nschema+'" FROM postgres;',$ ' ',$ 'GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA "'+Nschema+'" TO postgres;',$ ' ',$ 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA '+Nschema+' TO gavo WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA '+Nschema+' TO gavoadmin WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.'+Ntable+' TO gavo WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.'+Ntable+' TO gavoadmin WITH GRANT OPTION; '] ;'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.dataset TO gavo WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ ;'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.dataset TO gavoadmin WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ ;'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.epn_core TO gavo WITH GRANT OPTION; ',$ ;'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '+Nschema+'.epn_core TO gavoadmin WITH GRANT OPTION; '] printf, Lun, cstsql printf, Lun, ' ' close, Lun free_lun, Lun End